Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tyranny of app

6 newspaper, 4 shopping, 3 entertainment, 3 dating/matrimonial, 2 taxi, 2 messenger, 2 restaurant/food ordering, 2 social media, 1 mail, 1 wallet – 25 – that’s how many app I have on my cell. I think this is very conservative number – people who travel regular have airline & hotel app – at least 2 of each (some of us use M-Indicator only), then there are games (2/3), maps, calendar, browser, camera, file sending & receiving, system cleaner, antivirus, photo editing, etc. I wonder how many of these apps does one actually use on regular basis.  And to top it up all these app keeps coming up with regular update, meaning your memory space gets utilized by these apps, this when you may be already running low on inbuilt memory and not all of apps can be moved to your SD memory card. There ought to be solution for this “tyranny of app”, I haven’t figure out but I am sure given Google and Apple who control operating system of most mobile phones, they are best placed to find solution or if you can you may be the next Genius in the making.

This thought was inspired by presentation given by Jack Hidary - Jack Hidary is a technology and financial entrepreneur who lives In New York City. He is the chairman of Samba Energy and was the co-founder of EarthWeb/Dice, Inc. and Vista Research. Wiki Link

Read, Learn, Improve - 18-Jul-15

Flash Boys Welcome: World Exchanges Woo High-Frequency Traders – Link here

How a Chinese puzzle could enable the Greeks to have the last laugh – Link here

The Big 4 – Navy SEAL’s Technique to Conquering Fear and Panic – Link here

World Class Comedy or Investing: Are They Teachable? – Link here

Do animals think about the future? – Link here

Why Investing Is So Complicated, and How to Make It Simpler – Link here

The Turing Phone Is Built to Be Unhackable and Unbreakable – Link here

Banks Forgot Who Was Supposed to Own Dell Shares – Link here

Xiaomi success inspires every man and his dog to make smartphones in China – Link here and Link here

How Fanuc quietly took over the world – Link here

How (not) to invest like Sir Isaac Newton – Link here

Why Are so Many of the World's Oldest Businesses in Japan? – Link here

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Virus – No Virus

It’s been ages since Analyst upgraded his cell phone and now it looked like Analyst had too, new office pretty much demanded everybody to be on whatsapp and access mails at all point of time as “First to analyse news, is First who makes money”. So Analyst went scouting in nearby big branded store for new mobile phones. Once Analyst was through mobile section he thought to check out tablet section. It had very good collection of iPad, Samsung Tab, HCL me, Amazon Kindle, Lenovo and others.


As it’s with Indian salesman, who can’t see a customer enjoying solitude of simply checking out product & its feature, he could not control his urge to say “may I help you sir” as he came around. Analyst tried to avoid him, but as they are made of thick skin, he started blabbering various features about product and what it can do.  It’s amazing to see, young kid of age 20-22 with soo much amount of data in their head, you query them on any vital stat of any product and within a split-second they would answer you.

Poster of Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year

Analyst kept on shifting to various tabs and he would start explaining various features and difference between new & old model and also that with competitor model. So Analyst queried him on basic info on memory, various connectivity tools, pre-loaded apps etc and he happily replied to all my queries. Analyst could sense how happy Sales guy was to just answer his query.  That’s when Analyst got query in mind and thought to ask him,

Analyst said “what about virus?”, Salesman with questioning look on his face said “.....virus?......”
Analyst replied “yeah..virus”....Salesman replied “no sir...this doesn’t have any virus”......
Analyst was like “ya I know that...I am saying does this thing come with loaded with anti-virus?”

Salesman in his most thoughtful way could manage to say......hmmmm.....he gave me look as if he is analysing tonnes of data to come up with right solution. Meanwhile Analyst could sense Salesman was stumped by the query. That’s’ when Salesman hits back...”I don’t think you would need that sir”

Analyst could not believe what Sales guy had said and blurted “huh....why so?”
Salesman said “because sir....viruses don’t come on tab...They only come on laptop & PC”.
Analyst for once was confused.....should he ROFL or give him small tap on his head. Salesman was watching Analyst’s confused expression....he managed to give out confident smile

Analyst smiled back and walked out saying... good it’s nice offering......thanks for all the help pal.... right now I am looking for mobile...just thought to check out tabs.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Read, Learn, Improve - 11-Jul-15

Thomas Piketty: “Germany has never repaid.” – Link here

My dentist saved my tooth but stole my memory – Link here

Why China won’t listen to Western scientists about genetically modifying the human embryo – Link here

Here's a Simple Lesson on Business Ethics From the Former CFO of Enron – Link here

How Iceland Emerged From Its Deep Freeze – Link here

Indiaplaza.com: How an Indian e-commerce firm ran out of cash – Link here

The Chef That Ate The World: How Gordon Ramsay Earned $60 Million Last Year – Link here

Can gene editing provide a solution to global hunger? – Link here

Lessons Learned from A History of Oil – Link here

Sean Parker: Philanthropy for Hackers – Link here

Robots Might Save the Humanities – Link here

Africa Should Lure Bangladesh's Garment Industry – Link here

Everyone in India thinks they are 'middle class' and almost no one actually is – Link here

Seven Intelligent Fanatics from India - Sanjay Bakshi – Link here

Friday, July 10, 2015

Hilarious BSE annoucement

Original announcement on bse here - http://www.bseindia.com/corporates/anndet_new.aspx?newsid=c558d33a-2d58-42d1-ab11-d5444d17d5ef

Security Code : 532908    Company : SHARONBIO

Clarification09 Jul 2015 14:50
With reference to increase in Price, Sharon Bio-Medicine Ltd has Clarified to BSE as under:

"Share Price of our Company has fallen from Rs. 90/- per share to Rs. 12.50 per share in the last one year. The reason for fall in the share price was as the losses were suffered by our company. Recently, the share price was Rs. 12.50 per share and the same has been increased to Rs 20.50 as today’s price. The increase in share price may be as the share price of Sharon Bio-Medicine is already gone down and investors may be looking for the best of the opportunity to buy the shares at this point. Meanwhile, from June 29, 2015 at one of the manufacturing plant at MIDC, Taloja near Navi Mumbai the US FDA is concluded and we are understanding the outcome of US FDA Inspection. The US FDA Audit was completed on July 07, 2015 night.

Further, also note that there are hundred of share investors being added to our Company every week inspite of shares being sold by one of the Promoter in the last one month.

Further note our Company has nothing to do with increase in the share price of our Company."

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

People expect free stock tips as if it's their birth right -II

This is a guest post from Analyst friend AVC

“Can you give me some tips?”, if you are working in stock market chances are you have encountered this statement more often other than “market su lage chee” or “market kya lagta hai” or “what do you think of market”.  Also irrespective of your job profile whether you are receptionist or back office or IT guy working for a broking firm, you would always find this question creep in any conversation.


Imagine, you are at friends party

You:  Hi Kunal, whats up pal?
Kunal: Hi Raj, welcome to the party buddy
You: Thanks, whts up
Kunal:  meet my friend “Dr Rushabh from Nanavati Hospital”
You: o..doctor….great…..hey doc, I have been having continuous pain in my back, what do you think? O…also one more thing my 80yr old granny’s knee pains too…..much, do you think its arthritis?
Dr Rushabh: ummm…….actually……….I am a dentist.
You: oh ok……….but you still might have some idea about back pain, since you are doctor?

I don’t know if this habit of asking for free advice is very typical to Indian or its global phenomena (I have not ventured out of India, nor have I interacted with many foreigners to take a call). Most of the time it reminds me of Tata sky ad, “punche ne mein kya jaata hai?” (If you don’t ask, you will never know or ask no matter what). Key thing being, most of them want to make free money without any “mehnet” (hardwork) or paying for “other people’s mehnet”.

However it would be unfair to blame general people at large for such behavior, for simple reason the way stock brokers do business. A typical stock broker provides free stock tips, as he knows clients would trade with him and he would get paid by charging brokerage on the trade. Simple thing driving his business on this model is ingenious human nature, everybody is afraid to pass up the money making opportunity (without verifying if there actually an opportunity or not) which is best summed up by Charles P. Kindleberger

“There is nothing so disturbing to one’s well-being and judgement as to see a friend get rich”.

Due to this human nature, most people are compelled to ask for stock tip and many a time free stock tip. As my mother said to me during my childhood,

“don’t take/buy anything just because it is free or has something free with it, chances are you have already paid for it or will pay for it for long time in future”


This is something similar to economist say in general “There is no thing as free lunch”. Most of the people expect free tips to help them earn money, while in reality it’s rarely the case.  Most (not all) lose money on this free tips, as broker knows your greed has taken over your brain.  Broker’s model is very simple, he would give you 2-3 stock tips every day for 5 days meaning approximately 10-15 stock tips in a week.  Chances of price increasing of any 1-3 stock is pretty high (simple case of probability), so even thought of 10 tips, 8 would go down broker would harp on 1-2 stock that went up and so would you brain. Hence you would remember that 1-2 stock that went up and you didn’t purchase (case of selective memory).

Let’s reverse this situation, if you had an idea that could make money would you tell me? Most people I know would say “why the hell would I do it?” and I completely agree with them. So extending this logic if broker has stock idea that can make money why does he share it with you? Why doesn’t he himself trade and make money and become rich? {Assuming making money is the ultimate goal and not samaj seva (charity)}. At this point, most MBAs come up with barge of answers to justify their argument that why both cases are different (although outcome in both cases is you can make money), I will leave that thought you to ponder on and simple advise that I have learned after following stock market for over decade “ don’t trust free advise”. If you make loss in stock market, your broker would not recoup it for you.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Read, Learn, Improve – 4-Jul-15

This Is How Uber Takes Over a City – Link here

What’s really warming the earth – Link here


How to Be a Friend in Deed – Link here

How one young guy can create $25 billion – Link here

The meteoric rise and likely fall of Tamil Nadu's Sun TV – Link here

The forgotten origins of Greece’s crisis will make you think twice about who’s to blame – Link here

The Philosophy of Value Investing — Reject “New Paradigm” Thinking – Link here

Misplaced Stress - What economic commentators get wrong about farmer suicides – Link here

Is Facebook Really Worth More Than Wal-Mart? A Value-Based Comparison – Link here

Peter Thiel on what works at work – Link here

Four Things the Stock Market Has Taught Me – Link here

How Icelandic Yogurt Invaded America – Link here

Why Greeks Will Vote 'Yes' to Europe – Link here

How Reliance Is Taking Over Indian Media, Now Buying Sun TV Network – Link here

How McDonald’s Started in China – Link here

Get Off The Computer And Complete This Italian Teacher's Summer Assignment. You Won't Regret It – Link here