Saturday, February 27, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve - 27-Feb-16

ScoopWhoop: The new New Media – Link here

It’s alive! Scientists revive tiny water bears frozen for over 30 years – Link here

Fund managers are making ill-informed bets darting in and out of stocks – Link here

The Market is Always Right? – Link here

How Economists Would Wage the War on Drugs – Link here

The Patanjali phenomenon – Link here

Marvel at Google parent Alphabet’s newest Terminator-like robot – Link here

The Importance of Storytelling Ability – Link here

A Dozen Things you can Learn from the Anti-Models that are Bernard Madoff and his Victims – Link here

The Placebo Effect Is Getting Stronger — But Only in the U.S. – Link here

Digitally weary users switch to ‘dumb’ phones – Link here

The surprising reason some diseases spread so effectively through semen – Link here

Stealing White - How a corporate spy swiped plans for DuPont’s billion-dollar color formula – Link here

Outerwall, Buybacks, and Activists – Link here

Incrementum Chartbook #4 -  WHO’S AFRAID OF RECESSION? - Why A Recession In The US Is Coming Closer & How To Be On The Right Side Of The Trade – Link here

Will Real Estate Investors Take Over Airbnb? – Link here

Monica Grady on the Search for Alien Life - Finding alien life raises huge ethical questions. Finding we're alone does, too. An Aeon interview with UK space scientist Monica Grady (YouTube) – Link here


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve – 20-Feb-16

What the diamond industry is really selling – Link here

Giving Shoppers Less Means Big Bucks for Indian Retailer – Link here

Creating a 100cr. Ecom Venture | The Bootstrapped way – Link here

Suddenly, the Solar Boom Is Starting to Look like a Bubble – Link here

The chips are down for Moore’s law – Link here.

This 3D printer creates human muscles and tissues that could actually replace real ones – Link here

Is This the End of Fractional Reserve Banking? – Link here

We Are All Confident Idiots - The trouble with ignorance is that it feels so much like expertise. A leading researcher on the psychology of human wrongness sets us straight – Link here

Saudi Arabia Is Winning Its War Against The U.S. Oil Industry – Link here

Expect Low Returns Even If This Bull Market Survives – Link here

Gold Prices Can't Defy Gravity Forever – Link here

The Panic of 1907 – Link here

A New Study Shows That Winners Will Cheat to Keep Winning – Link here

Stealing White - How a corporate spy swiped plans for DuPont’s billion-dollar color formula – Link here

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve – 13-Feb-16


AS HE LIES DYING - When it's time to say goodbye, going the old-fashioned way at home is better than the sterile environs of a modern-day hospital – Link here

If you have seen or read Michael Lewis’s book The Big Short, you might remember Jared Vennett (played by Ryan Gosling) he works for Deutsche Bank Securities Inc and pitches idea of shorting housing market. If you remember movie there was ppt on the same, if you are interested here is the link of original ppt - Link here

How the New Science of Freezing Can Save Your Life – Link here

How bike tour operator Enfield Riders is revving up for growth – Link here

How did a warehouse company become one of America’s leaders in renewable energy? – Link here

Tech’s ‘Frightful 5’ Will Dominate Digital Life for Foreseeable Future – Link here

Understanding the Valuation Discrepancy Between Apple, Inc. and Alphabet – Link here

Crispr is coming to agriculture — with big implications for food, farmers, consumers and nature. Gene editing offers dramatic advances in speed, scope and scale of genetic improvement. It also offers an opportunity for more nuanced GMO governance – Link here

Asteroid mining is not science fiction – Link here

Bull Markets vs. Bear Markets – Link here

What every dictator knows: young men are natural fanatics – Link here

Tech and media outlook 2016 (136 slide ppt) – Link here

Millionaire to Billionaire: How Long Does it Take? (Chart) – Link here

Read,Learn,Improve would be on leave for the week ending 20-Feb-16.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve - 6-Feb-16

(Must read for Investor) Failure: A Checklist - The surest road to regret – Link here

The Absolute Return Letter - A Frail New World – Link here

You’re obsessed with outcomes. Here’s why attention to process pays off – Link here

The Process of Judging an Investment Process – Link here

The total value of all the property in the world is $217 trillion - 2.7 times the world's GDP – Link here

How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off – Link here

Larry Fink Wants Companies to Talk More About the Future – Link here

Amazon and Google, Head-to-Head – Link here

Tracing Oil's Hypnosis of Stocks From Wealth Funds to Junk – Link here

Is Apple losing its touch? Don’t count on it – Link here

Doctor who? Medicine's new steely helpers – Link here

India may shelve dollar-denominated solar electricity tariff plan – Link here

Managing knowledge through stories – Link here

Corp Dev Language Translator - Words used by corp dev (i.e. people in charge of making acquisition deals) and what they actually mean – Link here

How Credit Cards Tax America – Link here

When Diversification Works – Link here

Why US Treasury Hides Its Saudi Investor – Link here

The Best Weapon for Fighting Zika? – Link here

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Will we stop eating food?


I have observed very often best or good ideas come from unexpected source & event and often it comes least of the time you expect. Or put it another way chances of solving a problem are very less if you keep working on it rigorously and after number of futile attempt moment you walk out of the room, you observe something  and you have your Eureka (of course hoping you are wearing clothes all along) movement.

I had a very interesting similar experience few years back, one of relative got diagnosed with neck cancer (blame it on usual gutkha & tobacco usage). So I had visited relative along with my family and normal Q&A session was followed. Few key things I learned were, there was small cancerous tumor in neck and options were (a) surgery or (b) chemo + radiation therapy. Tumor was attached to vocal cord, so if one opts for surgery person would lose his speech/voice. Second option (chemo + radiation therapy) wouldn’t hamper speech, however because of radiation heat, food pipe would shrink and food intake would be limited to liquid (no solid or semi solid).  Food (nutrition) is basic human necessity, especially during such phase. So to overcome this problem doctor’s user external food pipe to connect to internal/body food pipe which is attached either at 1) nose or 2) stomach (so one basically, churns up food in mixer, make it very liquid so it slips through pipe). To a curious mind it’s all very fascinating to hear what we as human have achieved or can do to save other human lives.

However my Eureka movement happened; when I was listening one friend’s complain about his boss being workaholic, how boss hardly eats or has life of his own..etc etc. Now if you know or have heard about these workaholic, some of them are on very extreme level. These extreme workaholic are soo much hell bent on achieving something or solving a problem that they forget to eat or drink & all routine activity that we all take for granted. Some who are not so extreme, but they are either too bored to cook or consider cooking food as “not so cost-effective usage of their time” or hiring someone to cook can be very expensive proposition. Many of them think cooking & eating is probably not that value adding activity compared to other work they are doing, they think it’s just a necessary evil.  There are variety of people who would fit in to this criteria – there are CEO’s who are known to be workaholic, The Nerds & Geeks of Silicon Valley, the specialist doctors & scientist. So these guys usually have on the go food, meaning fast food, meaning unhealthy. Many of them skip their food and then jump to fast food, which can very unhealthy too. This is where I thought, why not have food pipe attached to a healthy human to their stomach and they can just pour the food – this solves all of above problem. I thought for it a while and quickly forgot also, until a day go, I came across this article “The End of Food Is Here, Finally” which talks about a company called “Soylent” (Link here). It aims to solve the same problem illustrated earlier, it’s a nutritional makeup includes protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and vitamins and minerals such as potassium, iron and calcium. It includes all of the elements of a healthy diet, without excess amounts of sugars, saturated fats, or cholesterol. One just mixes the powder with a water, drinks it and done – all calorie intake done.

If this picks up on larger level, what does the future look like? – well for starters most of the fast food or quick service restaurant would mostly likely be out of the business or probably innovative on Soylents’ line. Eating out food made from actually vegetables would become luxury, fine dining would be altogether premium luxury, fine dining of organic vegetables would be super premium luxury.

I also wonder if this can be used in time of calamity – imagine earthquake or floods or war etc, this can be simple way of mass food distribution. Of course access to clean water would be key, probably, ready-mix pouches can be used instead of just powders.

Soylent is estimated to be worth cool US$100mn (~Rs650cr-Rs670cr) (Link here) Be careful of your random thoughts, who knows what you may strike?