Friday, March 11, 2016

Costly typo or mistake - II

It seems to be season of typos & mistakes. Since kingfisher is in the air, let me narrate you small funny incident.

Yesterday I received a call from a business correspondent asking me “what is the impact on sales of kingfisher beer because of SBI restricting its usage?”, I was taken aback for a moment because to the best of my knowledge banks had “Kingfisher Airlines” brand with them.  So I enquired reporter where has this piece of news come in and was pointed to Times of India ad by SBI, I have pasted below


In simple words notices read as SBI now owns the brand name “Kingfisher” and nobody can use it without their permission. Meaning United Breweries that sell Kingfisher beer will probably see their major portion of revenue nose dive or company would probably need to cough up ~Rs7000cr (or any other value that SBI seems fit) for usage of brand.  This got me off guard again, I was dead sure Heineken/United breweries was away from this mess.

However it wasn't until evening and today morning news flow started trickling in, ad had small mistake, SBI had right over “Kingfisher Airline” brand and not “Kingfisher”.

Some typos & mistake....all in day of work…phew.

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