Saturday, September 24, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve – 24-Sep-16

Image result for reading helps brain

12 cutting-edge technologies that could save our oceans – Link here

How a small Bengaluru biotech company is leading the way in global cancer diagnostics – Link here

Toyota is using sewage sludge to power its new electric car – Link here

It's not who buys a fancy car. What matters more is why - For the seller, variables such as gender, age, education and income are important, but what really matters is the customer's needs – Link here

Amazon Says It Puts Customers First. But Its Pricing Algorithm Doesn’t – Link here

In 20 to 40 years, most Americans won’t have sex to reproduce. Get ready. – Link here

Raghu Raman, the former CEO of the National Intelligence Grid has a unique blend of career experiences. Raghu began his career with the Indian Armed Forces and during his 12 year stint there, he was in operations in Punjab, then in the frontline at the highest battlefield in the world in Siachen Glacier followed by a tour of duty in war torn Angola as a UN Peace Keeper. Raman's last stint with the army was as an instructor in prestigious School of Armoured Warfare teaching young officers leadership and combat tactics. Mr Raman has been writer and has written some fantastic piece in Mint. Recently on back of Uri attack he has come up a fine plan on how to counter Pakistan - Seven powerful ways India can attack Pakistan – without crossing the border – Link here

How to invest like… Warren Buffett's hero Philip Carret – Link here

The Difference Between Rationality and Intelligence – Link here

The Coming Anti-National Revolution – Link here

The rise of the superstars - A small group of giant companies—some old, some new—are once again dominating the global economy, says Adrian Wooldridge. Is that a good or a bad thing? – Link here

Why Do Famous People Get Paid $250,000 to Give a Speech? – Link here

The Greatest Bubble of All-Time? – Link here

Wall Street’s 0.01%: The Guru Who Only Talks to Hedge-Fund Elite – Link here

A Dozen Ways to Apply the Lessons Taught in the Book “The Most Important Thing” by Howard Marks – Link here

A global corporate conspiracy helped catalyze a food crisis and drove 44 million into poverty – Link here


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve – 17-Sep-16

Image result for reading develops mind

Bayer-Monsanto Combination Likely Too Big in U.S. Cottonseed – Link here

Can the open hardware revolution help to democratise technology? – Link here

The John Bogle Expected Return Formula – Link here

Adblock Plus now sells ads – Link here

Would you fly in a pilotless airliner? - Driverless trains and cars are already with us – but how soon before pilotless airliners? The biggest challenge may be getting passengers on board – Link here

How Morality Changes in a Foreign Language - Fascinating ethical shifts come with thinking in a different language – Link here

Chinese Billionaire Linked to Giant Aluminum Stockpile in Mexican Desert – Link here

Banks and Colleges Are Wasting Our Money – Link here

How Does America Keep Finding Vast Stores of Energy? – Link here

What Fiat Chrysler chief Sergio Marchionne told us over lunch – Link here

India’s Sham-Scam Scooter Policy of the 1970s – Link here

How India’s digital economy can recover its mojo – Link here

A Bored Investor Is a Dangerous Thing - If the stock market feels too quiet, resist the urge to spice things up in your portfolio – Link here

Two Key Checklist Items – Link here

Hacking a Company's Stock Price – Link here (what happens if a researcher discovers vulnerability in a niche medical device? A pacemaker, for example?)

Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari review – how data will destroy human freedom – Link here  - It’s a chilling prospect, but the AI we’ve created could transform human nature, argues this spellbinding new book by the author of Sapiens.

Watch: This anytime pizza machine might soon be at a railway station near you (if you're in Mumbai) – Link here


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve - 10-Sep-16

Image result for reading gives you edge

(Links open in new window)

Indian IT sector has been shining example of Indian industry as well stock market for wealth it has created. However off lately, there has been a concern whether Indian IT companies can compete & stand against global biggies in wake of change in technology. Basic question being it’s true we do have tonnes of engineers and software programmer but how competent are they for new tech? And it looks concerns are very legitimate if you see global ranking of our programmers, they are nowhere near top on overall basis or on domain basis. Read this to get more insight - Which Country Would Win in the Programming Olympics? – Link here . Many of you might spot that even US is not amongst the top – 5 either on overall basis or in any particular domain, very true, thought they have ability to attract best talent from across the globe. I guess Vishal Sikka is probably on right path of training its employee, will it yield fruits? Let’s wait & watch.

Why Luck Plays a Big Role in Making You Rich – Link here

The court that rules the world - A parallel legal universe, open only to corporations and largely invisible to everyone else, helps executives convicted of crimes escape punishment. Part 2 of a BuzzFeed News investigation – let’s make them poorer, and we’ll get rich – Link here

The Wrong Man - Thomas Webb survived a false conviction, but freedom failed him. Then he met his accuser – Link here

A Chinese Mystery: Who Owns a Firm on a Global Shopping Spree? Owners of Anbang, a Chinese insurer behind a wave of multibillion-dollar deals, include relatives and friends of its politically connected chairman – Link here

An Insider’s View: Why is Bollywood Going Bust? – Link here

Smashed Fortunes - How market speculators in China upended life in India’s ship-recycling yards – Link here

Aadhar seems to be on verge of creating a revolution for india, blockchain is another tech that I believe can ease how business is registered and run – take a look at global examples how it is being used - The Blockchain is Perfect for Government Services, Here’s A Blueprint – Link here

Exclusive: how Elizabeth Holmes’s house of cards came tumbling down – Link here

5 Interview Tips to Find the Long-Term Employee – Link here

Judges Need Not Know All Laws – Link here

Proof of evolution that you can find on your body (Video – 3:54) – Link here

When You Change the World and No One Notices – Link here

This Is Your Brain's Default Setting—Here's How And When To Change It - We may be hardwired for overconfidence, but there's more than one trigger for it and it's not always a bad thing – Link here

Why China Isn't a Financial Center – Link here

Apple’s little-known (and somewhat unsexy) secret to success – Link here


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve - 3-Sep-16


How good is it? How bad is it? - Modi, as a Delhi outsider, has shut down access to power and its benefits – By Monika Halan – Link here

The court that rules the world - A parallel legal universe, open only to corporations and largely invisible to everyone else, helps executives convicted of crimes escape punishment. Part one of a BuzzFeed News investigation – Link here

Meet the Greater Honeyguide, the Bird That Understands Humans – Link Here

The EpiPen was her ‘baby.’ Now this pharma CEO is in the hot seat over price hikes – Link here

Busting the billion-dollar myth: how to slash the cost of drug development - A non-profit organization is proving that new drugs don't have to cost a fortune. Can its model work more broadly? – Link here

Gut reaction: the surprising power of microbes - Most of us think of microbes as germs to be feared and killed. In fact they hold the key to improving our health – and may be the key to tackling obesity – Link here

After US and China, India is the third-largest market for morning after pills – Link here

Yuval Noah Harari on big data, Google and the end of free will – Link here

How should we read investor letters? - Considering the correspondence between C.E.O.s and shareholders as a literary genre – Link here

Today’s Inequality Could Easily Become Tomorrow’s Catastrophe - By Robert J. Shiller – Link here

The other side of Warren Buffett - Don’t Buff it up - An investing hero is not a model for how to reform America’s economy – Link here and here is reply by Fortune on same – Link here

A 1977 Warren Buffett Interview from the WSJ Archives – Link here

Why being bilingual helps keep your brain fit - Most people in the world speak more than one language, suggesting the human brain evolved to work in multiple tongues. If so, asks Gaia Vince, are those who speak only one language missing out? – Link here

Finland's Basic Income Experiment Is Too Timid – Link here