Saturday, September 10, 2016

Read, Learn, Improve - 10-Sep-16

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(Links open in new window)

Indian IT sector has been shining example of Indian industry as well stock market for wealth it has created. However off lately, there has been a concern whether Indian IT companies can compete & stand against global biggies in wake of change in technology. Basic question being it’s true we do have tonnes of engineers and software programmer but how competent are they for new tech? And it looks concerns are very legitimate if you see global ranking of our programmers, they are nowhere near top on overall basis or on domain basis. Read this to get more insight - Which Country Would Win in the Programming Olympics? – Link here . Many of you might spot that even US is not amongst the top – 5 either on overall basis or in any particular domain, very true, thought they have ability to attract best talent from across the globe. I guess Vishal Sikka is probably on right path of training its employee, will it yield fruits? Let’s wait & watch.

Why Luck Plays a Big Role in Making You Rich – Link here

The court that rules the world - A parallel legal universe, open only to corporations and largely invisible to everyone else, helps executives convicted of crimes escape punishment. Part 2 of a BuzzFeed News investigation – let’s make them poorer, and we’ll get rich – Link here

The Wrong Man - Thomas Webb survived a false conviction, but freedom failed him. Then he met his accuser – Link here

A Chinese Mystery: Who Owns a Firm on a Global Shopping Spree? Owners of Anbang, a Chinese insurer behind a wave of multibillion-dollar deals, include relatives and friends of its politically connected chairman – Link here

An Insider’s View: Why is Bollywood Going Bust? – Link here

Smashed Fortunes - How market speculators in China upended life in India’s ship-recycling yards – Link here

Aadhar seems to be on verge of creating a revolution for india, blockchain is another tech that I believe can ease how business is registered and run – take a look at global examples how it is being used - The Blockchain is Perfect for Government Services, Here’s A Blueprint – Link here

Exclusive: how Elizabeth Holmes’s house of cards came tumbling down – Link here

5 Interview Tips to Find the Long-Term Employee – Link here

Judges Need Not Know All Laws – Link here

Proof of evolution that you can find on your body (Video – 3:54) – Link here

When You Change the World and No One Notices – Link here

This Is Your Brain's Default Setting—Here's How And When To Change It - We may be hardwired for overconfidence, but there's more than one trigger for it and it's not always a bad thing – Link here

Why China Isn't a Financial Center – Link here

Apple’s little-known (and somewhat unsexy) secret to success – Link here


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